Lawyer since 2023
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen 2015-2020
Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main, Legal clerkship 11/2020-11/2022
Greenfort, Lawyer, since 2023
Law firm Bender & Ruppel, Wetzlar, (Research) assistant 2018-2022
Prof. Dr. Martin Gutzeit, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Research assistant/associate 2020-2021
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish
What can you get enthusiastic about?
Travelling and learning new languages. The world has so much to offer and if you also can communicate in the respective language of the individual countries, it's even better.
What would absolute happiness be for you?
Knowing that I lack nothing.
What have you always really wanted to know?
Whether extraterrestrial civilizations exist and what they look like.