First choice
Greenfort Partnership of Lawyers with limited liability
Registered office: Frankfurt am Main
Register: AG Frankfurt am Main, PR 1513
Arndtstraße 28
60325 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 97 99 58 0
F +49 69 97 99 58 10
VAT-Nr: DE814296186
Professional Indemnity Insurance:
Allianz Deutschland AG
Königinstraße 28
80802 München
Territorial scope of the insurance: world wide
Responsible Associations
Chamber of Lawyers
Chamber of Lawyers Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 17 00 98 01
F +49 69 17 00 98 50
All lawyers of the firm are accredited in the Federal Republic of Germany. The applicable professional regulations for lawyers are: the Federal Lawyers’ Act, the Professional Code, the Specialist Lawyers Regulations, the Remuneration of Lawyers Act and the Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union. The German texts of these regulations can be found at (homepage of the German Federal Chamber of Lawyers) under the heading “Berufsregeln”
Notaries: Dr. Carsten J. Angersbach, LL.M. and Jochen Rothmann act concurrently as lawyer and notary.
Notary Chamber
Notarkammer Frankfurt am Main
– Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts –
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 17 00 98 02
F +49 69 17 00 98 25
The applicable professional regulations for notaries are: the Federal Notary Act, the Authentication Act, the Official Regulations for Notaries, The Official Schedules of Costs, the guidelines of the competent notarial associations and the European Notarial Professional Code of Conduct. The German texts can be found at (Homepage of the German Federal Chamber of Noteries) under the heading “Berufsrecht”.
Every effort has been made to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the information in these web pages. However: The Greenfort Partnership does not and will not assume or except any responsibility or liability concerning the use of this information, trust in the correctness and accuracy of this information, and the use of any hyperlinks contained in these web pages . None of the information contained in these web pages constitutes legal advice in any shape or form.
Applicable law
The legal information on these web pages as well as all questions and disputes relating to this website are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The copyright to the content of these web pages, or any part thereof, belongs to Greenfort or to anyone who has been granted license by Greenfort. Individual pages of this website may be downloaded, temporarily stored, and printed for the sole use within your company or business. Any other reproduction, transmission or distribution of the content of these web pages – including downloading, saving or printing – is prohibited unless the express consent of Greenfort has been received.
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