Unlimited opportunities.
Prepare, take off,
take course.
With the wind at your back, the horizon in front of you, you head towards your goal.
Talented individuals, experts, team players - challenging opportunities for real people of any gender.
With the courage to dare something new, the ambition to break new ground,
the desire for collaborative success.
You’ve arrived
Join the world of Greenfort. Develop yourself - through individual
career and life models. Deal with high-profile challenges.
Genuine opportunities for clear cut individuals of any gender:
those who enjoy life and have the best skills to offer.
Looking forward to convincing and striking resumes are:
Intrigued? Make an application directly under Score a Point at Greenfort.
Score points at Greenfort
Why not nail your colours to the mast and apply directly to Greenfort.
Give yourself a little time, have ready a short but convincing personal profile (maximum one page in MS Word or PDF) and clear the mind for three questions which, sometime or other, you are going to be asked in any case.
Grow with Greenfort
Develop, progress, be what a consultant should be; within an optimistic environment, with the right skills and the right talent. Within a context attuned to one’s own future plans: flexible and long-term.
Experience a working atmosphere where open communication and creativity are the keys. Awaken the spirit of enterprise – and enjoy the tasks, the challenges, and the time to be shared….
Get ahead in Greenfort!
When it comes to promoting professional progress, we put our shoulder to the wheel: positive support in the context of staff development; mentoring; early integration into the management of the law firm; close and co-ordinated teamwork; training courses and coaching programs; language courses; and many other things to enhance work and career.
Growing with Greenfort
Greenfort has been recognized as one of the Best Employers for Lawyers 2022/2023 in Germany.
Growing with Greenfort
younger lawyers are happy
The concept is going down well: According to the ranking in Azur magazine, Greenfort belongs to the 100 top employers in Germany 2019. In the category “staff happiness”, Greenfort achieved 94 out of 100 points and thus was ranked on 46th place in the so-called insider ranking of all employers for lawyers.
Furthermore, Greenfort was nominated for the Azur Award 2015 in the category “apprentice and further training”. The reasons for nomination were, in particular, the widening of our career programme “Green Progress”, as well as the innovative approach involving the participation of all our lawyers in a training and coaching program.
Greenfort im Interview
Interview mit
Martin Asmuß, LL.M. (UCLA)
Das steht auf meiner Visitenkarte:
Warum haben Sie sich für einen Berufseinstieg bei Greenfort entschieden?
Weil mich Greenfort in meiner Wahlstation jeden Tag durch anspruchsvolle Arbeit an internationalen Mandaten auf höchstem Niveau, einen familiären Kollegenkreis und die richtige Einstellung zum Leben überzeugt hat.
Was ist das Besondere an Greenfort?
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre. In keiner anderen Kanzlei ist das Arbeitsniveau so hoch und das Arbeitsklima gleichzeitig so gut. Es gibt dabei keine Unterschiede zwischen Partnern, Anwälten oder Assistenz. Hier geht es um Menschen. Und das spürt man – jeden Tag.
Wie sieht die tägliche Arbeit im Bereich Gesellschaftsrecht für einen Berufseinsteiger aus?
Oberflächlich betrachtet wie in jeder anderen Kanzlei: E-Mails, Telefonate, Recherchen zu einzelnen Rechtsfragen und Entwürfe von Verträgen, Due Diligence Reports, Memoranda etc. Der Unterschied: Als Anwalt bei Greenfort ist man von der ersten Minute an Anwalt und trägt auch nach außen die Verantwortung. Man ist entsprechend selbständig und flexibel in der Zeiteinteilung, im Rahmen dessen was die Mandanten fordern. Mandantenkontakt vom ersten Tag ist hier keine Floskel (und das kann am Anfang auch mal einschüchternd sein). Die Verantwortung gegenüber Mandanten und der Gegenseite bringt dabei Spannung in jede kleine Tätigkeit.
Wie werden junge Anwälte von Greenfort gefördert?
Durch Verantwortung und Feedback: Durch die vollständige Einbindung in Mandate von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme des Mandanten bis (bspw.) zum Vollzug eines Unternehmenskaufs ist die Lernkurve sehr steil. Und Softskills lassen sich nicht besser trainieren als in Telefonaten und Besprechungen oder Verhandlungen mit Mandanten und der Gegenseite. Feedback gibt es immer und ehrlich. Von Mandanten sowieso, aber auch intern – nicht nur in den halbjährlichen Entwicklungsgesprächen mit den Partnern. Daneben gibt es aber auch Kommunikationstraining mit externen Coaches, monatliche Greenfort-Lunches mit Vorträgen zu bestimmten Themen, Englischunterricht, interne “Lerngruppen” und die Möglichkeit, einen Fachanwaltskurs oder andere Seminare und Fortbildungen zu besuchen.
Welche Qualifikationen bzw. Vorkenntnisse sollte ein Berufseinsteiger im Bereich Gesellschaftsrecht mitbringen?
Eine offene Persönlichkeit, Spaß am Anwaltsberuf, das Interesse an wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen, natürlich zwei Staatsexamina und Englischkenntnisse sowie Spaß daran, diese zu nutzen. Natürlich sind ein LL.M., ein Doktortitel oder Vorkenntnisse in manchen Situationen hilfreich und wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend. Bei uns heißt es eben: “Learning on the job.” Und erst dann wird es richtig spannend.
Was ist das Spannendste, Unvergesslichste, Witzigste, Aufregendste, was Ihnen bisher in ihrem Berufsalltag passiert ist?
Nach einigen Wochen Berufstätigkeit alleine auf Gesellschafterversammlungen und mit Mandanten bei Beurkundungen zu stehen, verursacht schon Nervenkitzel. Zum Glück aber kommen die besten Momente immer wieder: Nach jedem erfolgreichen Signing, vor dem es heiß herging, wird das Adrenalin, das einen antreibt, durch eine Masse an Endorphinen ersetzt – ein tolles Gefühl.
Was ist das Beste an der Arbeit bei Greenfort?
Meine Kollegen.
Welche Einschränkungen bringt der Beruf mit sich?
Der Beruf als Anwalt im Gesellschaftsrecht bringt mit sich, dass man Phasen unterliegt. Phasen in denen mehr und Phasen in denen etwas weniger zu tun ist. Das Gute ist allerdings, dass sich diese Phasen bei Greenfort auf ungefähr 2,5 Stunden längere bzw. kürzere Arbeitszeiten beschränken und das Leben außerhalb der Kanzlei damit planbar bleibt.
Was ist Ihr Ausgleich zum Büroalltag?
Neue Orte auf der ganzen Welt entdecken; Wandern/Trecking (am liebsten in heißem oder Wüstenklima mit möglichst steilen Bergen), Laufen und Zirkeltraining, wenn Wüste und Berge nicht vorhanden sind; gutes Essen genießen (gerne selbst gekocht) und Musik (lieber nicht selbst gemacht).
Welche drei Begriffe assoziieren Sie mit dem Wort Jura?
Herausforderung. Sprache. Internationalität.
Sie planen ein jura-freies Wochenende auf einer einsamen Insel und dürften nur drei Dinge mitnehmen. Welche wären das?
Meine Freundin, eine Flasche Wein und noch eine Flasche Wein (alternativ für eine Flasche Wein, falls Beschränkungen beim Fliegen existieren: Moskitospray).
Welchen Tipp würden Sie gerne jedem Nachwuchsjuristen mitgeben?
Nicht stressen und Details auswendig lernen, sondern mit Spaß versuchen, Grundlagen und das Große und Ganze zu verstehen. Denn dann erst verstehst Du Recht.
Das Interview erschien zuerst auf TalentRocket
Dalia Kapell!
“5 weeks internship at Greenfort. For me that meant: 5 weeks of exciting tasks, appointments, events, and 5 weeks of being challenged and supported. Right from the start, I was warmly welcomed into the Greenfort community and involved in the client work. I was able to learn an incredible amount about legal practice and received regular feedback, which helped me a lot in my further development. My mentor always had an open door for me.
The time was also incredibly varied and diverse! I was able to take part in the first Frankfurt Labour Law Cinema at the German Film Museum, the Greenfort Lunch, negotiations and court hearings and got to know a wide range of topics and perspectives. I was always impressed by the level of professionalism and expertise at work here. However, I will always remember the sense of togetherness, which I would love to return to again and again!”
Trainee Lawyer
Charlotte Kieslich!
“If you want a seat in the front row as early as your Referendariat (traineeship), Greenfort is the place to be! My time as a trainee lawyer was exceptional in every respect and a very rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. From day one, my colleagues closely involved me in every facet of casework, with tasks ranging from research and legal assessments, drafting written pleas, contracts and letters to clients to attending signings, client meetings and court hearings. The spectrum of legal questions that arose on a day-to-day basis was just as vast and basically covered the entire field of corporate and commercial law as well as occasional forays into employment law. Legal excellence among the lawyers, the open and friendly “Greenfort Spirit”, and a high degree of flexibility topped off this amazing time.
Last not least, Greenfort do not merely pay lip service to socializing, and I am grateful to have been included in many internal events, regular get-togethers, festivities and sports events.”
Alexander Herzog!
“Already in the first days, I was involved in exciting client work and had the opportunity to contribute to various areas of law, such as labor and corporate law. This not only allowed me to gain a variety of insights, but also gave me the feeling that I was making an actual contribution. Another highlight for me was gaining insights into the work of a notary.
In addition to the professional development, Greenfort also attaches importance to the well-being of the interns. Daily exchanges with my mentor, English training and the monthly Greenfort lunch not only promote team cohesion, but also provide a pleasant change in everyday working life.
The working atmosphere at Greenfort is remarkable. Teamwork and a willingness to work are emphasized here, so I immediately felt part of the team. The colleagues are not only professionally competent, but also friendly and committed. You immediately notice that everyone enjoys working here and gets involved, which leads to a family atmosphere.
Overall, my internship at Greenfort was a valuable experience that far exceeded my expectations. The firm impressively proves that professionalism and a friendly working atmosphere do not have to exclude each other.. The insights I gained, the professional experience I gained, and the relationships I was able to build at Greenfort will certainly have a lasting impact on my future career path.”
Eylül Erdogan!
“Does life continue after Greenfort? From day one, I was warmly welcomed by everyone, from assistants to associates to partners. Their support, knowledge-sharing, and availability were boundless. Throughout this experience, I gained diverse insights into a wide range of legal fields, attending meetings, actively engaging in ongoing cases, cherishing moments like Greenfort lunches, Summerfest, the happy Greenfort song, and more.
All these encounters have left me with cherished memories and tremendous professional growth. I can genuinely attest that joining Greenfort ensures you’re in good hands.
I am eternally grateful for the wonderful time I have had and the incredible individuals I have met. My heartfelt appreciation extends to my mentor, my office neighbor, and everyone on the team for their exceptional cooperation and trust in me. I wholeheartedly recommend an internship with Greenfort. Being embraced by this extraordinary group has been a true blessing. As I move forward, I will forever carry with me Greenfort’s ethos of solidarity and commitment.
Here’s to hoping our paths will cross again in the future!”
Trainee Lawyer
Janna Sonnenschein!
“I was able to spend a part of my legal traineeship at Greenfort. Not only was I warmly welcomed in the traditional Greenfort style, but I also received excellent training.
Due to the nice colleagues, I was able to get to know many areas of law and the different approaches and working methods.
My days at Greenfort were always interesting, diverse, and challenging.
The working atmosphere was professional and friendly in every respect, there was always time for interesting and good conversations in the kitchen, the hallway, or in the evening over a glass of wine in the lounge.
My mentor was my constant point of contact; he always had an open ear for me when it came to substantive questions, but also when I was curious about other areas of work at the firm.
Due to the outstanding competence of the employees, who all together and equally care for high standards and a good working atmosphere, my time at Greenfort was a great experience.”
Helena Shahverdi!
“The classic tasks during an internship are often the following: Making coffee, copying things, and if things go really well, you might even get to answer the phone. My initial worries about spending two weeks in a professional working environment were absolutely unreasonable. I was wholeheartedly welcomed by everyone and introduced directly to the work. Rarely have I experienced such a respectful and friendly environment as at Greenfort. Here, every day means a day with a variety of tasks and an incredibly pleasant working atmosphere. Teamwork and willingness to work are particularly important at this firm, which I could feel after just a few days. My time at Greenfort allowed me to gain insight into corporate and commercial law mandates and showed me that you can really feel like you’re on “Suits”. I will definitely miss the firm and can only recommend everyone to get to know Greenfort with their own eyes.”
Scienific Assistant
Emil Solkoll!
“Greenfort was my home as a research assistant for one and a half years. There was a tremendous amount to learn here from excellent minds, always with the maxim: “In the thick of things instead of just being there”. If you want to get involved and make a difference, this is definitely the place to be. Crucial to the success of Greenfort is the team, which enjoys some adventures together even after work. At Greenfort you will find “music makers” and “dreamers of dreams” – real movers and shakers.”
Felix Müller!
“Since my time at Greenfort was the first mandatory internship as part of my studies, I didn’t really know what to expect. However, when I came to the firm on my first day, I immediately felt welcome and integrated. From the very beginning, I was immediately involved in the client work and was given exciting, varied and also challenging tasks in employment and corporate law, where I always had the feeling that I was actually contributing a small part to the big picture and not just being kept busy.
The colleagues at Greenfort are simply pleasant and likeable. You immediately notice that everyone who works here also likes being here, which leads to a familiar working atmosphere in which you can only feel good. People meet during their lunch break to eat together, go jogging or do a workout, and have a drink on the rooftop after work.
My time at Greenfort was a success all around. I learned incredibly much professionally and got to meet great people. It couldn’t have gone any better.”
Pia Berger!
“Greenfort – High-quality work meets gaining energy at lunch, at a coffee break or during a workout in the garden together with the colleagues. No gray, tiring office atmosphere, but energy that is contagious.
During the internship I worked independently on diverse tasks in different areas of law, especially in labor and corporate law. My needs were always taken into consideration, so I was also able to gain an insight into the day-to-day work of a notary, for example. Especially interesting for me was the application of the theoretical knowledge to real cases & generally the difference between theory & practice.
What impressed me most were the people at Greenfort. There is such a satisfaction in the workplace where it should be hard not to be self-motivated and pursue your work with a positive attitude.
In summary, it was a great experience for me that gave me a perfect example of how I envision (ideally) my future work atmosphere.”
Leonard Braun!
“Greenfort’s good reputation precedes it. That’s why I wanted to complete one of my internships there and see for myself. Today I can say that Greenfort more than lives up to its reputation of combining professionalism with a pleasant working atmosphere.
As an intern, I was accepted as part of the firm right from the first day by my mentor, but also by the rest of the team. The tasks I was given were challenging and varied, with consideration given to my individual interests and abilities (especially corporate law). In addition, only a few students can claim to have gained insights into the work of a notary during their internship.
Finally, joint sports activities, weekly English training and the monthly Greenfort lunch make an internship with Greenfort a real experience.”
Jakob Diederichs!
“Greenfort – you hardly find a better mix of a good working atmosphere, an open and friendly team and exciting mandates at the same time! Already during the warming welcome, one feels as part of a team. Despite the informal atmosphere that prevails at Greenfort, the firm advises its clients in a highly professional manner and yet remains straightforward. Since everyone is intensively involved here, you can support the team during your internship, contribute well and show your own strengths. At Greenfort, you complement the team, whether as a lawyer, assistant, or trainee. The trust that is placed in you and the constructive cooperation encourage you to perform at your best!”
Marion Kerber!
“My stage at Greenfort has been the undisputed highlight of my legal clerkship. From the very first day, despite the pandemic-related restrictions, I was welcomed into the team and involved in the client work. For me, Greenfort is the perfect combination of challenging legal work, sympathetic and nice colleagues, and an open work culture that values proactivity. A special bonus is the active support I received from my mentor, who always made sure that I took advantage of all opportunities and had a sympathetic ear for questions. For anyone who wants to experience a world outside of the big law firms during their legal clerkship without sacrificing the quality of their legal work, I can highly recommend working at Greenfort!”
Fabian Serfling!
“I started my internship at Greenfort to get first insights into a law firm and gaining practical experience in addition to my theoretical studies. After the first day, I already knew that Greenfort was exactly the right law firm for this. During my internship, I was not only allowed to take part in important client meetings, but also to participate in them, conduct research on interesting legal issues and be present at external certifications. There was no trainee status, on the contrary: I felt trust and responsibility from day one and was allowed to really contribute. Despite the highly professional work, Greenfort manages to create a relaxed and uncomplicated atmosphere in the office thanks to a mixed and very warm team. This made the work a lot of fun and the time flew by. I consider myself incredibly fortunate for my time at Greenfort, through which I have gained valuable insights not only for my legal education, but for my entire life.”
legal trainee
Anja Kemmerling!
“A friendly atmosphere, team spirit, exciting clients and transaction, challenging and high-end service as well as a variety of new exciting tasks – I was able to experience all of that from the very first day of my traineeship at Greenfort. The expectations I had in the law firm “of a different kind” were more than met. Greenfort shows how an ambitious work environment and a pleasant atmosphere among colleagues can be perfectly combined. I am looking forward to an exciting and intense remaining time at Greenfort.”
legal trainee
Kim Schick!
Charlotte Klar!
“Time flies when you’re having fun and my six weeks at Greenfort flew by in the blink of an eye. After the office-tour on my first day, I already realised that Greenfort is not your “typical” law firm. There is a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, every office door is literally open and everyone is on a first-name basis.
I benefited from the different areas of focus in the firm and was able to deal with a wide variety of legal fields. The tasks were varied, not only in terms of content, but also in terms of framework: research, client meetings, conciliation hearings, notarial certification and, not to forget, the weekly sports boot-camp, just to name a few highlights.
In a nutshell, I felt welcomed by the entire team right from the start and gained a comprehensive and realistic insight into the work of a lawyer.”
Leonard Braun!
“Greenfort’s good reputation precedes it. That’s why I wanted to complete one of my internships there and see for myself. Today I can say that Greenfort more than lives up to its reputation of combining professionalism with a pleasant working atmosphere.
As an intern, I was accepted as part of the firm right from the first day by my mentor, but also by the rest of the team. The tasks I was given were challenging and varied, with consideration given to my individual interests and abilities (especially corporate law). In addition, only a few students can claim to have gained insights into the work of a notary during their internship.
Finally, joint sports activities, weekly English training and the monthly Greenfort lunch make an internship with Greenfort a real experience.”
Dragana Djordjevic!
“I learned about Greenfort through a recommendation. The extraordinary design of the homepage already convinced me to apply at Greenfort. On the last day of my legal internship, I can look back and say: I don’t regret a single day and would apply time and time again! Since the first day, I felt part of the team. I was involved in challenging client work from the very beginning, I had many opportunities to gain practical experience and, thus, also insights into the legal profession. The work assignments were highly versatile, so it was simply never boring. For me, Greenfort is characterized, in particular by an extremely pleasant working atmosphere and friendly interaction with one another.
I would like to thank for the wonderful time and the great people I have met. Above all, I would like to thank my mentor for the wonderful cooperation and the trust he has put in me.”
Trainee Lawyer
Caroline Gotzen!
“As a trainee lawyer at Greenfort, I was part of the firm from day one, which in this case equates to being part of a real team. As such, I received a comprehensive insight into the activities of the legal profession. I was able to grow in the exciting and challenging work, not least thanks to my mentor, with whom I was not only provided with an excellent mentor, but also with a real person to talk to.
Grateful that I was able to learn so much from all these sympathetic people, I will always remember my time at Greenfort as a thoroughly positive experience.”
legal trainee
Jan-Hendrik Korting!
legal trainee
Franziska Bliewert!
legal trainee
Carina Schwarz!
Dragana Djordjevic!
“I learned about Greenfort through a recommendation. The extraordinary design of the homepage already convinced me to apply at Greenfort. On the last day of my legal internship, I can look back and say: I don’t regret a single day and would apply time and time again! Since the first day, I felt part of the team. I was involved in challenging client work from the very beginning, I had many opportunities to gain practical experience and, thus, also insights into the legal profession. The work assignments were highly versatile, so it was simply never boring. For me, Greenfort is characterized, in particular by an extremely pleasant working atmosphere and friendly interaction with one another.
I would like to thank for the wonderful time and the great people I have met. Above all, I would like to thank my mentor for the wonderful cooperation and the trust he has put in me.”
James O’Mahony!
“My time in Greenfort has been simply fantastic. From the moment I stepped foot in the office I was greeted by so many welcoming faces and felt very much at ease. I can safely say that I have been very fortunate to experience Greenforts relaxed working environment and to have been surrounded by such hard working, highly motivated professional lawyers. Over the course of my internship I had the opportunity to work on areas of Transnational Law, attend client meetings, delve into areas of Intellectual Property and Employment Law, and attend a case in Frankfurt’s Labour Court. Throughout the month there were many social events organised, not to mention Friday drinks on the dachterrace! Considering this was my first time working in a law firm abroad, from both a professional and social level, I could not have asked for a better experience while working in Greenfort.”
James O’Mahony!
“My time in Greenfort has been simply fantastic. From the moment I stepped foot in the office I was greeted by so many welcoming faces and felt very much at ease. I can safely say that I have been very fortunate to experience Greenforts relaxed working environment and to have been surrounded by such hard working, highly motivated professional lawyers. Over the course of my internship I had the opportunity to work on areas of Transnational Law, attend client meetings, delve into areas of Intellectual Property and Employment Law, and attend a case in Frankfurt’s Labour Court. Throughout the month there were many social events organised, not to mention Friday drinks on the dachterrace! Considering this was my first time working in a law firm abroad, from both a professional and social level, I could not have asked for a better experience while working in Greenfort.”
scientific assistant
Ann-Kathrin Faber!
firestarter | 05.01.2017
Welcome back, Julian Monschke! “Firestarter” Julian supports Greenfort from 5 January 2017 until 4 September 2017 as part of his legal education.
apprenticeship | 30.08.2016
Welcome, Franziska Kapelar and Michelle Simon! On 18 July 2016 our two “newcomers” joined Greenfort as trainee lawyer’s and notary’s assistants.
Michelle about Greenfort: “Greenfort is able to unite high professional competence and quality of work with social competence and humanity which are reasons why I feel warmly welcomed and well taken care of.”
firestarter | 01.08.2017
Welcome, Julia and Alexander!
“Firestarters” Julia Becker and Alexander von Bernstorff supports Greenfort from 1 August 2017 until 30 November 2017 as part of his legal education.
Julia abaut Greenfort: “Right from the start I was actively involved in the daily legal work at Greenfort and I am presented with challenging and exciting tasks on a daily basis. I am able to learn from excellent lawyers and from day one I enjoy great appreciation both as a person and as a lawyer from everyone in the team. I am looking forward to continue my exciting and instructive time at Greenfort.”
Julian Keil!
“Another commercially oriented law firm with a stiff working atmosphere, lacking personality and individuality in Frankfurt’s West End? Everyday life at Greenfort is diametrically opposed to the common image of the desolated commercial law firm. Correct is only the prime location.
During my four weeks at Greenfort, I was able to experience that excellent legal work and a professional and friendly working atmosphere – contrary to common prejudices – can indeed be perfectly combined.
I applied for an internship at Greenfort, because of my interest in corporate law and M&A. The interests of interns are taken very seriously, they are treated as equals and encouraged to leave their comfort zone. Thus, in addition to the exciting insights into corporate law, I was also offered insights into labor law, which was completely foreign to me until the start of my internship, and this aroused sustained interest!
To put it in a nutshell: I can only say that as an intern you feel valued and comfortable all around – both at work as well as on the roof terrace with an after-work glass of wine.”
Niklas Stodolski!
“I look back with gratitude on my time at Greenfort, during which I was able to meet many great people and gain valuable practical experience. As an intern, I was entrusted with drafting pleadings and research tasks on complex legal issues, among other things, and was given the opportunity to participate in notarizations, client meetings and court hearings. The unique combination of professionalism and high technical competence with the positive working atmosphere as well as the cordial contact among each other will remain in my memory the best. I would like to thank everyone at the firm for the time we spent together and hope to see you again soon.”
Jakob Diederichs!
“Greenfort – you hardly find a better mix of a good working atmosphere, an open and friendly team and exciting mandates at the same time! Already during the warming welcome, one feels as part of a team. Despite the informal atmosphere that prevails at Greenfort, the firm advises its clients in a highly professional manner and yet remains straightforward. Since everyone is intensively involved here, you can support the team during your internship, contribute well and show your own strengths. At Greenfort, you complement the team, whether as a lawyer, assistant, or trainee. The trust that is placed in you and the constructive cooperation encourage you to perform at your best!”
legal trainee
Lisa Knab!
firestarter | 04.09.2017
Welcome, Patrick Rode! “Firestarter” Patrick supports Greenfort from 4 September 2017 as part of his legal education.
legal trainee
Paul Tritschler and Christian Leeder!
Christian about his legal traineeship: “At Greenfort I feel encouraged to maximise my potential both in my professional and my personal development. And the atmosphere is unbeatable.”
firestarter | 05.12.2016
Welcome, Antonia Allmendinger! “Firestarter” Antonia supports Greenfort from 1 December 2016 until 28 February 2017 as part of her legal education.
greenfort erfahren
Katharina Weber
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
My time at Greenfort can be summarized as follows: expand my horizon, think one step further, think outside the box, challenge and being encouraged. Right at the beginning – after a heart-warming welcome – I was entrusted with my first tasks. These were partly very challenging and introduced me into topics and problems which I didn’t know from university. However, thanks to the friendly team and the open doors in the office, it was possible for me to face these challenges and celebrate my first achievements. Thank you for making me part of your team and showing me the fun and joy of your work.
greenfort erfahren
Magnus Habighorst
(Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Evenings on the roof terrace, contract negotiations, walks through the Rheingau, notarizations of self-built partnership agreements, jokes during coffee breaks, telephone calls with authorities (all by myself!), clients and other law firms… These are only a few highlights of what a trainee at Greenfort gets. No matter whether you have already found “your” field of law or want to get a general overview of business law – with Greenfort’s “Movers and Shakers” you are in good hands. It is a great way to combine the level and professionalism of a large law firm with the personal care and friendliness of a boutique. Here interns are not only guided through, but really trained. I am very grateful for the great time in summer 2019 and look forward to seeing you again…
greenfort erfahren
Lejla Tuholjaković
(Universität Wien)
Working at Greenfort is really an inspiring experience. I am impressed how everyone is treated like family. It is personally and professionally enriching to meet so many amazing individuals with different backgrounds who work along in a team. I am happy that my mentors are always there for me and take the time to give me an insight in the firm’s work. It is interesting to work in different fields of law, switching from one field to another with every new assignment. I think it is important for senior students like me to get an overview of different legal fields to choose from in the future. Many thanks to Greenfort for this amazing internship.
greenfort erfahren
Lazar Krstic
(Universität Wien)
I had an amazing time at Greenfort. I came for one month internship but from the very first day I was welcomed and treated like a permanent member of Greenfort. Everyone in the firm was very friendly, helpful and tried to make my stay as great as it was. I had a chance to experience various business law areas, worked mainly on interesting cross-border topics and attended different client meetings. I definitely feel that I learned a lot and got an insight into how a law firm operates. While I was working on my professional development I also had a chance to taste wine at regular wine tasting evenings in the firm, eat cakes in the kitchen on an almost everyday basis and socialize with people. Thus I am both professionally and socially happy with my internship. All this makes Greenfort an excellent place to work at and I would for sure recommend it to all students wishing an unforgettable experience. I am very grateful for this opportunity and wish Greenfort the best for the future!
greenfort erfahren
Maximilian Szitar
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
The warm welcome on the first day by the whole team including flowers and a little singing should only be the beginning of an exciting and instructive time. At Greenfort teamwork is really lived! As an intern, I was involved in complex topics from day one and was given the opportunity to take part in meetings with clients in order to experience the practical working day of a lawyer at first hand. I will especially remember the familiar working atmosphere, which in combination with the professionalism and expertise of the lawyers results in an unbeatable mixture. At Greenfort – from associate to partner – time was always taken for me, even beyond business questions. I gained varied insights into a broad range of legal fields, partly unknown, and was introduced to notarial work. If you are looking for exciting and challenging tasks and would like to get to know a unique working atmosphere, I can warmly recommend an internship at Greenfort. I hope to see you again soon!
greenfort erfahren
Clara Collado
(University of Madrid)
An unconventional friendly and open atmosphere – made by quality people – and a hard-working mindset – made by passionate professionals – are two of the ingredients that make Greenfort a genuinely unique work place. Here I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by a truly inspiring group of attentive and willing specialists who have helped me become familiar with the day-to-day work of a German lawyer. Being involved in practice matters of various areas, together with facing challenges (from dealing with a language that I don’t master perfectly yet, to joining the Greenfort team during the 5.6 km long race at the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge) have contributed to making my first international professional experience highly enriching.
greenfort erfahren
Melissa Meußer
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
At the beginning of my internship, I openly communicated that I would like to gain deep insights into labor and employment law – in line with my professional interests. The team of Greenfort took this into account and so I was able to get to know the lawyers’ working methods especially in labor and employment law and was involved in various mandates. All lawyers gave me a warm welcome and were happy to answer any of my questions. Greenfort has an incredibly familiar atmosphere, which I will always remember. Thank you for the time and impressions I had the pleasure to have!
greenfort erfahren
Norina Pietz
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
My internship at Greenfort is great! I am very grateful that I have been welcomed to such a nice team. The welcome itself was already incredibly warm and the outstanding atmosphere remained throughout my entire internship. The working atmosphere is always very positive and I was especially impressed by the teamwork. One could see how working together results in the best outcomes. It is a great feeling to be part of this team. I have the opportunity to learn how legal work takes place in practice and is brought to life. I was surprised how much time everyone at Greenfort took for me. I can really recommend an internship at Greenfort; it is a great opportunity to get an insight into exciting and international legal work.
greenfort erfahren
Julia-Marie Bludau
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
I intended to use my internship to gain first valuable, practical insights into the everyday’s legal work in a business law firm. I was often told: “You won’t be doing much there – besides the typical things an intern does such as making coffee, printing documents or going through files.” Today, I can say with certainty that this was definitely not the case with my internship at Greenfort. The welcome was particularly warm and I felt in good hands. During my internship I was actively involved in client work and gained a lot of insight into the daily life of Greenfort’s lawyers. The pleasant atmosphere and the strong community within the office are some of the many things I will keep in memory. I am glad that I did my internship at Greenfort and reckoned that an internship in a business law firm is anything but monotonous or boring. Many thanks for the great time and my warm welcome to the team!
greenfort erfahren
Linn Preuß
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
From the first day of my internship it was clear to me that Greenfort combines innovation and high legal standards with team spirit and fun at work. I was warmly welcomed by all my colleagues and directly involved in client work. Due to the many interesting, but also challenging tasks, I was able to learn a lot and gain great insights into the field of business law. If you are looking for a special law firm compared to the typical large international law firms, Greenfort is the right place for you. Thanks for the great time!
greenfort erfahren
Carlos Baralt
(EBS Universität)
As soon as I made my first step through the door, I knew that Greenfort was more than just a typical law firm. The environment, the atmosphere and the people made the time an unforgettable experience. I really enjoyed the insights into the legal practice, which do not represent the typical intern tasks. Instead of making coffee and printing, exciting research and involvement in client assistance are the daily routines here. I will always remember my time here at Greenfort. Many thanks for this experience!
experience greenfort
Norina Pietz
My internship at Greenfort was great! I am very grateful that I have been welcomed to such a nice team. The welcome itself was already incredibly warm and the outstanding atmosphere remained throughout my entire internship. The working atmosphere was always very positive and I was especially impressed by the teamwork. One could see how working together results in the best outcomes. It was a great feeling to be part of this team. I had the opportunity to learn how legal work takes place in practice and is brought to life. I was surprised how much time everyone at Greenfort took for me. I can really recommend an internship at Greenfort; it is a great opportunity to get an insight into exciting and international legal work.
experience greenfort
Theresa Klein
After a few days here, I realized why this law firm is called Greenfort. Green stands for hope, harmony and serenity! I was able to experience all of this during my internship. Hope, in the sense that I am in the orientation phase for my choice of university studies and through insights into projects, research work and discussions with lawyers I was able to gain a clear picture of what law means in practical work.
experience greenfort
Christoph Krebs
The past three weeks I spent typing, archiving, debating and investigating. The Greenfort team broadened my mind, in legal as well as in cultural issues. The Greenfort spirit represents an unique approach to law and this not only on the photos online. Insights into projects as well as introduction and support in learning juridical tools are guaranteed with Greenfort. Team spirit, modesty and down-to-earthiness are highly valued here. After numerous talks about projects and university study, lunches and court visits, it is certain: With Greenfort everybody is integrated, whether at the top or still at the bottom of the career ladder! Enthusiastic faces and inspiring words encourage not only the Greenfort team, but also own ambitions!
experience greenfort
Arthur Wehrle
(Internship ebs law school Wiesbaden)
The atmosphere at Greenfort is unlike any other law firm I have ever experienced. The perfect mixture between professionalism and honest kindness influences the own working attitude drastically. Even areas of law and questions which one may have labelled boring and exhausting are becoming interesting due to their practical relevance and their importance for the client and useful for the future. Another big point is the open-mindedness concerning arguments and concepts one may want to add to the solution-finding process, so you automatically become a supporting part of the structure. I can therefore only recommend Greenfort as your internship, you won’t regret it.
experience greenfort
Emilia Illion
(Scientific assistant UNI Frankfurt)
“Audere est facere – To dare is to do” at Greenfort in the villa of the canonesses of Cronstetten. At Greenfort, everybody counts. All individuals and their differences find their place. I really enjoyed working with this series of clever and interesting people. All this makes Greenfort a place to which one, like me, likes to return to again and again. If you also have a sense of aesthetics and drive – this is the place to be!
experience greenfort
Kateřina Holečková
For me Greenfort is a place where great, friendly atmosphere somehow manages to go hand in hand with extraordinary professionalism.
From “Happy Greenfort” song at the beginning of my internship (and many more songs that were to come) to everyday handling of the client work, from intriguing discussions about law to amusing lunchbreaks, one simply feels welcomed here. An “open door” policy in Greenfort is not just an empty slogan and the atmosphere here is far from the usual unfriendly corporate environment. Yet at the same time, the Greenfort lawyers maintain top professionality when it comes to representing their clients, which I find to be an exceptional combination.
During the internship at Greenfort, one actually gets a chance to work on real projects, usually with cross-border aspects, so for someone interested in international private law like myself, this is a just an amazing opportunity to see how its theory works in practice.
Everyone is very helpful, ready to explain everything and shows a great deal of patience, even with dozens of my actually unrelated questions, usually on the topic “…and how does exactly this work in Germany?”.
experience greenfort
Enja Pollok
(Internship Eltville)
A grey office atmosphere. That’s what I expected from my internship at a law firm. But from the very first moment I was proved wrong. I was received by a friendly mentor and immediately integrated into the normal daily work of the team of assistants. After a short time I was allowed to work independently. Shortly before the end of my first internship day, the whole team welcomed me with a serenade and flowers. My motivation for the next two weeks was therefore enormous. I will definitely miss the time at Greenfort because I was accepted as part of the entire team right from the start and was able to gain a lot of insight into the activities of an assistant.
experience greenfort
Welcome, Alessandra!
(Legal Internship Italy)
Allesandra about her internship: First thing that comes to my mind when thinking about Greenfort is: “WOW!” Everything, from the people to the welcoming traditions, from Lord Greenfort’s legend to the songs, from the variety of fields of expertise and challenging law cases to the top legal experts/mentors one can find here, literally everything has contributed to make my internship a once-in-life time experience. The lawyers have involved me in exciting and captivating projects and allowed me to take on responsibilities from the very first day. They were always prompt to satisfy my curiosity or doubts and showed me a practical, high-quality approach to case-solving. I am rewarded so much not only in terms of professional but also of personal development and constantly feel motivated to push past the limits of my comfort zone. I was fortunate to be here for the firm’s birthday and was overwhelmed to find exactly the same huge smiles on everyone’s faces that these hard-workers wear during every day working hours. At Greenfort, I really feel the passion the lawyers and assistants put in their job and this is the kind of environment I will look for in my professional career. I came here with the idea of working with new colleagues, but actually Greenfort people are much more than just colleagues, they are a big family and I am so blessed to have been part of it. Stay hungry, stay Green!
experience greenfort
Lara Regner
(Internship Uni Heidelberg)
Greenfort strives for excellence in all areas and the atmosphere in the office is great. The office is very nice and comfortable. More importantly, Greenfort cares about their employees and make you feel welcome. On the second day of my internship, there was a surprise event for all employees so I was able to get to know everyone in a different context. Working with the many excellent lawyers gives me the opportunity to learn a lot and get a feeling for the practical work.
experience greenfort
Benjamin Enok
(Internship UNI Oslo)
“I loved the atmosphere at Greenfort from the second I entered the building. Greenfort is definitely “movers and shakers”, a new generation of lawyers embracing the future with new and unorthodox, but nevertheless high-end solutions. With today’s talk about digitization and artificial intelligence and their impact on legal services as we know them, I am excited to work at a firm like Greenfort and to have the chance to look into a variety of fields from traditional corporate law and M&A to new legal questions in IoT (Internet of Things). With this range of professional expertise and the people at Greenfort, I am certain that Greenfort is ready for whatever the future will bring. I’d say “bring it on!” and am looking forward to learning even more from everyone and being a part of it!”
experience greenfort
Christoph von Campenhausen
(Internship Uni Freiburg)
In addition to theoretical studies, the study regulations demands for internships – to learn practical approaches. I didn’t even experience the cliché of preparing coffee and copying once at Greenfort. From the very beginning, I was challenged and promoted in all areas of law and integrated into the “firm family”. Diversified legal questions, some of which are less familiar from studies, a great deal of support, involvement in client work and constructive feedback make up the perfect mix and – in line with the study regulations – provide a “look beyond one’s own nose”. Thank you very much!
Greenfort in one sentence: Top legal work at the best of moods!
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Paul Mey
(Internship Uni Mannheim)
Green is the color of hope and I hope that Greenfort’s way of working catches on. The working atmosphere, the collegiality and the passion each and every one in this office has, are inspiring and contagious. During my internship at Greenfort I was able to gather new experiences and pleasant memories. Many thanks to everyone!
experience greenfort
Valentin Schultz
(Internship Uni Frankfurt)
Thanks to the friendly atmosphere and many interesting tasks, even an intern, who becomes a part of the team for only a few weeks, can feel the strong team spirit. Since my internship started, I am excited when I hear the sound of my alarm clock in the morning. I had a great time here. Thank you!
experience greenfort
Elena Beyer
(Internship Uni Frankfurt)
From the first minute I felt very welcome and perfectly included in the everyday life. The assigned to me tasks allowed me to gain insights into new issues and to apply my existing knowledge. Greenfort is the perfect opportunity to work in a friendly working atmosphere with highly qualified lawyers on very interesting topics.
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Güllü Gülver
(Internship Uni Heidelberg)
Working with different lawyers enabled me to gain insights into various fields of law with new issues. Anyone who does not only want to participate with already existing knowledge but is also ready to reflect on unknown questions will just fit in here. I could not experience any hierarchy levels between the staff. Everyone is important in his particular field and always a helping hand for others. Everything I just described makes Greenfort to what it is: not just a gathering of highly specialised and effectively working lawyers but teamwork based on friendship.
experience greenfort
Stella Roos
(Internship Uni Frankfurt)
Passion, teamwork and individuality are very important at this law firm. Dealing with new, exciting issues in different areas of law on a daily basis in an open minded and personal atmosphere is most enjoyable. As an individual you immediately feel welcome and integrated into the team. Greenfort allows you to combine effective, extraordinary and highly qualified work with quality of life.
experience greenfort
Mia Ramic and Franziska Höbald
Mia about her internship: “My time at Greenfort has offered me insight into various areas of law and numerous possibilities to participate in high quality work. I’ve felt welcomed and as part of the team from the very first day.”
Franziska about her time at Greenfort: “My internship at Greenfort gave me first insights into different legal areas and the associated legal work. Moreover I always felt welcomed and well received by the team.”
experience greenfort
Pierre Klotz
(Internship Uni Mannheim)
Boredom and an unpleasant work atmosphere – Greenfort lacks such features that characterize many other law firms and instead distinguishes itself by its uncompromising good-mood-vibe, amicable atmosphere and authentic humanity. The fact that the highest standards required and the highest quality provided go hand-in-hand makes Greenfort an outstandingly attractive address for (future) lawyers who set themselves high standards and perform accordingly, but at the same time value unrestraint quality of life. High-end and the good life are not mutually exclusive at Greenfort.
experience greenfort
Adnan Sempek (Internship Uni Frankfurt)
My internship at Greenfort started with a warm welcome and a tour of the office, during which I got to know all of my co-workers. After that I was entrusted with my first case. My mentor explained the case and what I should research in this matter. There was always a new task, a new subject you wouldn’t have heard about in law school before, thus I always learned new things. During the internship I had an office room for myself. In addition, being able to not only ask matters relating to law but also personal questions to all the employees created a kind atmosphere in which I felt comfortable from the start.
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Lukas Fleck
(Internship Uni Frankfurt)
Greenfort stands for competence, inventiveness and working at the highest level. These aspects are essential for the daily work. The law firm demonstrates that this fact does not necessarily mean that cooperation and a friendly attitude between the employees have to be pushed in the background.
All this was confirmed on my first day. After getting to know all of the employees, I was integrated in the daily work at Greenfort. I had the chance to work on a lot of different legal topics. I really enjoyed this time especially because I felt very well supported by everyone.
During an internship at Greenfort you have the chance to see so many different things, get to know really kind and friendly people and develop your knowledge.
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Marcel Holthusen (Internschip Uni Osnabrück)
At Greenfort I experienced an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual appreciation unlike anywhere else. Greenfort is the right place for anyone who appreciates authenticity, innovation and determination and at the same time values a human touch – as client or part of the team. A great experience!